Shelley DroeCity, State: Cedar Falls, IA
Number of years - member of NAfME: 17
Number of years - member of IMEA: 12
Total career number of years teaching: 27
Other arts organizations you're a member of: ICDA
If you've served on the IMEA Board of Directors, which positions have you serve in? Kodaly Educators of Iowa (KEI), North Central Area Chair, IA
Colleges or institutions you've studied at and which degrees or certificates you’ve received?
Bachelors in Music Education, Augustana University, Masters in Horn Performance, University of Northern Colorado, National Board Certified Teacher in Middle Childhood Music
What schools have you taught at and what did you teach?
5-12 Band and Choir in Las Animas, Colorado, K-5 Music in Greeley, CO, Junior High Band in Greeley, CO, 3-5 Music in Perry, & Fl, K-6 Music in Cedar Falls, IA
What made you go into teaching?
Not being fulfilled teaching privately and playing my horn. I just knew working in a school was what I was missing.
What has been one of your most enjoyable moments about teaching?
Directing the Opus Honor Choir was sure a dream but the more mundane magical moments that happen daily are probably my most enjoyable. New little discoveries or the "in the moment" experiences while creating music together when the whole class is really tuned in. That's fun!
What has been one of your funniest moments in teaching?
Probably when I wore two different colored shoes to school (two different times) or when I wore my pants backwards (true story) or even a shirt backwards. Nothing says clueless like having a kindergartner ask you (in the afternoon) why you wore two different shoes. I had no idea. Another might be when I told the 2nd graders to "Pace their fartners" accidentally....
Something in your teaching career you’re proud of
Conducting Opus, being a finalist in the Grammy Music Educator Award in 2018, my honest intent to connect to as many kids as I can through music.
Why are you a member of IMEA?
To help others
If we looked at your iTunes or Spotify, what music would we find in your "Recently Played" list?
Jake Shimabukuro, Twenty One Pilots
When you're not teaching, what do you like to do?
Garden, Bike
What do you like to do with your summers?
Garden, relax, bike, cook, camp/hike
What do you want music education to look like in 20 years?
Kids have the chance to being in music every day and they get a chance to have more say in what they are doing while in music